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The Josh Hasten Show

Copenhagen Terror Survivor Recounts Horrifying Attack

16 February 2023

Charlotte Thalmay, a leader of the Jewish community in Copenhagen -- who was present at the synagogue bat-mitzvah party Saturday night at the time of the Islamic terror attacks -- relives the horrifying experience to VOI's Josh Hasten. Thalmay and many others hid in the basement as the terrorist shot and killed building guard Dan Uzan, whose heroics likely saved many lives.

Then, BBC Watch Managing Editor Hadar Sela says that the BBC -- the world's largest media network -- is disproportionate on its reportage on Israel, which leads to skewed coverage.

Finally, HonestReporting's Yarden Frankl runs down the good, the bad and the truly ugly of media coverage of Israel. This week -- a take-down of anti-Israel activist Roger Waters; CNN looks to J Street as a non-biased source; and the story of how Brian Williams and NBC News "framed" a couple whose child was murdered by Palestinian terrorists, even asking the bereaved father to pose with a gun, to better look the part of a "settler."

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