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The Lion’s Den with Daniel Seaman & Daniela Traub

Behind the Scenes of the Middle East: What is Really Going on?

8 March 2023

As Egypt moves in on Gaza and Iran moves in on Iraq, VOI's Daniel Seaman and Daniela Traub talk about what is going on behind the scenes in the Middle East. They also discuss the condition of women in the region, in honor of International Women's Day, on March 8.

Then, former US Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West joins Daniel and Daniela to share his views on PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress last week; on US-Israel relations; and on the Middle East.

Then, Boaz Bismuth, Senior Foreign Editor of Israel's leading Hebrew daily paper, "Israel Hayom," tells Daniel and Daniela what is really behind Iran's move on Iraq, claiming that it is being orchestrated by US President Barack Obama.

Finally, Yoni Mann, "Jerusalem U" Campus Director, and students Hanna Liebermann and Alyson Dennis talk with Daniel and Daniela about the next generation of Israel advocates currently being trained in Israel.




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