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Live@5 Panel with Glen Ladau

Why Can't Israeli Leaders Talk Like the King of Jordan?

5 February 2023

After a Jordanian pilot was burned alive by ISIS, Jordanian King Abdullah II vowed retribution by reportedly quoting the Clint Eastwood movie "Unforgiven," and telling US lawmakers that "the only problem we're going to have is running out of fuel and bullets." Could an Israeli leader get away with this kind of tough talk? Why does Israel get judged so differently?

Why does Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas keep threatening to halt security cooperation with Israel -- and does it matter?

In a New York Times op-ed, Roger Cohen claims that "Israelis feel uncomfortable when relations with the United States deteriorate to the point reached today." He also asserts that "Netanyahu has paid lip service, but no more, to the two-state solution." Is either statement accurate?

When the leaders of the Zionist Union party, Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni, visited the Golan after last week's Hezbollah attack, they vowed they would oppose any withdrawal from that area. This runs counter to their position on Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank). But is there a distinction between those territories, and if not, why are they making it?

Host: Glen Ladau
Panel: Mottle Wolfe, Gil Hoffman, Josh Hasten, Jeremy Saltan




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