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Innovation Nation with Simcha Gluck

Hot Israeli Initiatives: The Pears Challenge, Green IQ, City Transformer and Storex

8 March 2023

The 2015 Pears Challenge -- an Israeli fellowship program for entrepreneurs to make a difference in the developing world -- kicks off on March 10. Director Aliza Bellman Inbal joins VOI's Simcha Gluck to discuss how this is an example of Israel's being "a light unto the nations."

Then, Odi Dahan, founder and CEO of Green IQ, joins Simcha in-studio to talk about how he came up with the idea of "smart gardens," and how he and his team developed the technology that combines your smartphone with some hardware to completely control the watering of your garden.

Then, Asaf Formoza, the founder of City Transformer, talks to Simcha about his fully electric car that folds into the size of a motorcycle for easier parking. He shares his vision and plan to put the first fleet of cars on the road by 2017.

Finally, if you love the New Sharing Economy like we do, then you're going to enjoy the "AirBNB for storage." Orly Yeruham and Rebeca Querub, the cofounders of Storex, join Simcha in-studio to talk about how they came up with their completely customizable service, which connects people with storage room to people who need to store their stuff.




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