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The Josh Hasten Show

Israeli Coalitions, Food Drives and a New App

5 May 2023

VOI's Josh Hasten brings you coalition negotiations, an art project that serves as a food drive and an app that enables you to be your own mechanic.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has 24 hours left to form the government, but the situation remains unstable. Yesterday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigned. Today, Minister Naftali Bennett says he wants the job. Josh is joined on the phone by VOI Knesset Insider Jeremy Saltan (currently in IDF reserve duty), who gives his take on the coalition negotiations.

Then, Josh is joined by Joseph Gitler, founder and chairman of "Leket, Israel's National Food Bank," to discuss this week's "Canstruction Exhibition" in Ra'anana. The event is allowing artists to use thousands of cans of food to create art, while raising awareness about food rescue and waste. At the end of the exhibit this weekend, all of the cans will be donated to the needy.

Finally, Josh is joined by Gal Aharon, co-founder and chief marketing officer of a new Israeli app called "Engie" -- a diagnostic tool that allows you to be your own car mechanic before possibly spending thousands of unnecessary shekels in the garage. So far, according to Aharon, more than 30,000 Israelis and counting are taking advantage of this technology.




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