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The Josh Hasten Show

Kerry's Jab at Netanyahu over Iran

25 February 2023

Hear VOI's Josh Hasten rant on US Secretary of State John Kerry's subtle dig at PM Benjamin Netanyahu -- after playing an audio clip of America's top diplomat criticizing those who openly express concern that the P5+1 countries are about to sign a bad deal with Iran.

Then, Isaac Oppenheim -- Managing Partner at Exodus Ropes -- talks to Josh about his manufacturing company in the heart of the Negev Desert, which supplies high-quality textile ropes for military, marine and other uses for customers around the world. Oppenheim says he is driven by Zionism and the ability to provide employment and other opportunities fir residents of southern Israel.

Finally, Shlomit Grayevsky, director and administrator of the Jerusalem office of ALEH -- Israel’s largest network of residential facilities for children with severe physical and cognitive disabilities -- tells Josh that a group of the organization's kids are going to be participating in the upcoming Jerusalem marathon, as "partners" of Jerusalem Police officers.




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