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The Yishai Fleisher Show

Jerusalem Day in DC; An Israeli Hero; and a Liberal Palestinian

13 May 2023

In the lead-up to Jerusalem Day, VOI's Yishai Fleisher hosts three relevant guests: one American, another Israeli and a third Palestinian.
Yishai is joined by Josh Reinstein, director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and founder and producer of the hit TV show "Israel Now News," broadcast to 35 million viewers in a 191 countries around the world. He discusses the Jerusalem Day celebration that will be held on Capitol Hill in Washington DC by the Israel Allies Foundation. Does this conflict with the US administration's stance on the Holy City?

Then, Yishai is joined by Oded Tyrah, former president of the Israel Manufacturers Association. Tira, a retired brigadier general in the IDF who served as a paratrooper in the Six Day War and subsequently became the army's Chief Artillery Officer, is one of Israel's key industrialists. What is it like to be a liberator of Jerusalem and then a captain of industry? How has Israel grown since 1967, and what are its future dangers?

Finally, Yishai is joined by 22-year-old Haya Tarawa, a Muslim living in Hebron, who teaches Arabic to foreigners and is completing her BA in English literature. A proud Palestinian, she nevertheless has a liberal attitude towards Israel, and hopes to see Islam liberalize as well.




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