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Live@5 Panel: How the Nepal Earthquake Affects Israel

12 May 2023

As the death toll from the devastating earthquake in Nepal continues to rise, Israel begins sending help. Why is the earthquake such a big story in Israel? Why is Israel usually among the first to send aid to countries struck by natural disasters?

Is Israel responsible for the airstrikes in Syria aimed at "strategic weapons?" If so, why would it not claim responsibility?

A few days after celebrating Israel Independence Day, some in Israel celebrated the anniversary of the 1920 San Remo conference. What happened at that conference in Italy, and why is it an important part of the history of the Jewish state?

The United Nations' "World Happiness Report" ranks Israel as the 11th happiest country, out of a total of 158 nations, among them the United States, which ranks four places lower. How can a country with seemingly so many problems rank so high in happiness? Why are Israelis so happy?

Host: Glen Ladau
Panel: Daniel Seaman, Dan Diker, Mottle Wolfe, Eve Harow

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